Thursday, April 8, 2010

Practicing with the JV Team

Today's practice with the JV team was a bit tough for me. It was probably the hottest it has been all season long which didn't really help the situation. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but I coach at the high school I used to go to. Ever since I was a freshman at that high school (10 years ago) the JV team always gets the short end of the stick when it comes to practices. There are only two fields the softball program have to use. Varsity obviously gets their own practice field and then the JV and Freshman teams have to share a field. For some reason, the Freshman always get the playing field first and the JV team has to use whatever excess field space there is left over outside of the fences. Now that the season is half way over some of the things we do in practice are getting repetitive due to lack of resources. There are several equipment items that the JV and Freshman teams both need but we don't have. The unfortunate thing about it is we do a lot of fund raising and I can't figure out why we're lacking equipment when we have the money to buy it. It's really frustrating for me as a coach because the girls aren't getting the full benefit of practicing. It's also frustrating for me as an assistant coach because I feel that I have no say in what happens on or off the field with the team. I don't get to plan practices anymore, I don't get to say who I want on my team at the beginning of the season...I could sit here for awhile and list out several things to complain about the program. Now I know in my last post I said how fortunate I am as a coach to have the group of girls I'm working with and that still stands. But there are some other let's say "administrative" things that are completely out of my control and it drives me nuts! Point of the matter is I'm tired of being an assistant coach and I really want to find a program that will take me as a head coach. I feel that I have a lot to offer as a coach and that in the position I'm in now I'm unable to exercise any of my ideas, wants or needs as a coach. I know what I'm doing right now is whining but this is my fourth season with the program as a volunteer and I'm feeling that I need to move on to something else after this season is over. Those of you that are reading...Have you ever experienced a situation where there are things out of your control that you would do differently if you had say so? What did you do in those situations? I've tried my best this season to not let it get to me and today it all got to me. The girls were feeding off of my energy or lack there of and it wasn't good. I think the program needs change, it's been so stagnant ever since I was going to school there. I guess my other question to those of you reading...why do people fear change? That's all for now I guess. I would appreciate any advice or comments that you all may have. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. No matter where you are or what you are doing, I've learned there are always things (administrative, etc.) that are out of your control. The key is to learn to not worry about it. I know, easier said than done. Do the best you can with what you have to work with and at least you can be happy with yourself that you did your best, despite the outcome.
